Design Week: Design (Im)permanence
Jan 14, 2017
The application of design spans a wider array of useful life cycles than ever, from temporal digital solutions that may have a useful life of days, to products with fashion cycles of years, to public works of infrastructure that are intended to last decades or even lifetimes. Design (Im)permanence will explore the perception that there is a spectrum of value between permanent and temporary design through a round table discussion with design disciplines that create products on that spectrum. In a culture where speed has become a paradigm and instant gratification is almost expected, what opportunities are there for overlapping lifespans and adaptability as fashion and needs change.
As part of its ongoing inquiry into issues related to design and the public realm, Project Cityscope and Works Progress Architecture will be organizing a panel of designers and critics to discuss the particular requirements and limitations of designing to varying levels of endurance.
Our panel will include clothing designer Adam Arnold, Marcelino Alvarez of Uncorked Studios, and Bill Neburka and Carrie Strickland of Works Progress Architecture. Don Tuski, president of the Pacific Northwest College of Art, will be facilitating the conversation. Tuski’s anthropology background will bring together art, design, culture, and our developing society for a vibrant conversation.
Beverages provided by pFriem Brewery and Fausse Piste Winery.
FREE FOOD by Chicken and Guns
04/27/2017, 5pm
811 SE Stark Street, #210
Portland, OR
Get your tickets here.