Women. Progress. Architecture.
Mar 08, 2017
Women. Progress. Architecture.
W.PA is a majority women owned, majority women staffed architectural design office located in Portland, Oregon and Los Angeles California. #FuckYeah
As ambitious women working in the still male dominated profession of architecture, we are acutely aware of the hard work it takes to be successful in our businesses and our lives. We know the sacrifices, the difficult compromises and the taste of blood from biting our tongues every day. We do this to achieve our goals, set an example for our communities, families and most importantly our daughters and sons.
W.PA stands in support of equal rights for women everywhere, also acknowledging the immense struggles of women of color, transgender women and gender non-conforming individuals alike. We also acknowledge that not all women have the luxury of taking a day off from work, from spending money. A day off from running their businesses or their households.
W.PA stands in resolute solidarity with these women and individuals because we are them. Women are a massive driving force in the world economy and equal rights, in every form, should reflect that power.
![W pa womensday2017](https://monograph.imgix.net/9710d2b1-6cb8-4ea3-8e9f-d3f3aa1a03b3/w-pa-womensday2017.jpg?q=50&w=320&fit=min)