ecoFLATS combines affordability, energy performance, and sustainability in design. ecoFLATS’ engineering is a part of the “Path to NetZero Program” sponsored by Oregon Energy Trust, and the first NetZero project in Portland. Community members can track the building's path to NetZero via monitors in the lobby that display usages for each unit.
Situated along heavily used mass transit and bike routes, the aim was to capture the attention of bike commuters, university students and transit users that desire a “live small” lifestyle. There is no dedicated vehicle parking on site. Instead, residents are provided with a 75-unit bicycle storage rack. Each unit is approximately 600 square feet and designed to be modest and efficient. Operable windows at both ends allow generous access to natural light and fresh air, while the deliberately programmed exterior balconies and glazing prevents energy loss to lighting, ventilation, and cooling. Electricity and hot water for the entire building are generated from 3,000 sf of solar panels and hot water collectors on the building's rooftop.
Location | Portland, OR |
Date | 2011 |
total square feet | 17,000 |
Typology | Mixed-Use |
rating | Path to NetZero |
client | JP Veillet |
status | Built |
Architect | Carrie Strickland |
General Contractor | Siteworks |