North Wynkoop

This 14 acre site located in the heart of the River North Art District in downtown Denver began as an industrial warehouse campus. The masterplan for the site looked to incorporate active uses that maximize the connection to the thriving arts scene in Denver.

WPA was enlisted to first, create a master plan for the site that would phase a series of infrastructure projects that include public plazas, new streets, utilities, parking structures and future building sites.

WPA has since processed a zone change for the site and the construction of all new infrastructure projects are underway. The first phase includes 5 structures that incorporate below grade parking, surface parking lots, 4 new buildings and the adaptation of two of the existing warehouse structures for use as market halls.

location Denver, CO
date 2019
total sQUARE FT 14 acres
Typology Masterplan, Commercial
client Westfield
status Built


Architect Carrie Strickland, Jennifer Dzienis, Ian Roll, Mark Nye